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Structure Minimization

Quality of the Starting Structure

The structure that you built with the Maestro Builder or MOLDEN Z-Matrix editor is likely to be somewhat different from the actual structure of a particular conformer. The Maestro Builder helps to get reasonable structures by using the Geometry Cleanup function that does a good job fixing errors such as inappropriate bond lengths and angles, and can relieve some steric crowding. However, the Geometry Cleanup uses a Universal Force Field (UFF) that, while universally applicable, has limited quantitative accuracy. The quality of the structure that you built with MOLDEN's Z-matrix editor is determined by the built-in standard bond length and angle parameters unless you manually alter these values. If you did not change the geometry based on known experimental or high-level quantum chemical structure, the structure built by MOLDEN is not a minimum energy structure.

In general, you should minimize your molecule further with an appropriate force field before further analysis. There is a large number of force fields available and it is often difficult to decide which force field is the most appropriate. The choice is guided by both the type of molecule and the type of application. For example, while both the MMFF and OPLS-AA (OPLS2003) force fields are generally applicable for organic and biological molecules, the MMFF typically produces more accurate structures and conformational energies. On the other hand, the functional form of the OPLS-AA force field is much simpler, and this force field may be a good choice if simulation of a very large system is desired.

Minimization with Macromodel

This tutorial illustrates how to perform molecular mechanics geometry minimization with the program Macromodel, which is integrated with the Maestro graphical interface. Build or open your molecule and follow these steps to minimize and analyze the results of minimization:

  1. In the Applications menu, select Macromodel -> Minimization ....
  2. Inspect possible options in the Potential Folder. Select MMFF (MMFFs if your structure contains planar nitrogens, such as in amides) for the force field. Leave other parameters as is.
  3. Hit Mini Tab. This is where you define the minimization method. Macromodel provides several efficient Conjugate Gradient minimizers (PRCG and TNCG), a Steepest Descent (SD) and a Full Matrix Newton-Rhapson (FMNR) minimizer. It is generally a good strategy to use two minimizers in a sequence when locating a minimum. For example, an initial minimization with the Steepest Descent minimizer takes the structure away from a regions near the saddle point while subsequent minimization with the Newton-Rhapson method guarantees good convergence of to minimum. To perform Steepest Descent pre-minimization, select SF for the Method. Hit Start. Another window pops up, asking what shall be done with the results. We want these results to become the current project and overwrite the previous structure. Assuming that you are still working with ethanol,
  4. Examine the output in the Job Monitor window and record the Total Energy of the optimized structure.
  5. Return to the Minimization window, select FMNR for the Method and change the Convergence Threshold to 0.01. Run the job as previously and record the final energy.
  6. Hit Close to close the Monitor window
  7. Hit Close to close the Minimization window

Analysis of the Minimized Structure

The results of calculations have become part of the current project and the geometry on the screen now corresponds to the minimized geometry. The geometry can be analyzed by selecting Measurements from the Tools menu. By default, Distances Folder opens allowing to measure distances by clicking on two atoms. Write down one distance between any two bonded atoms in your molecule, one angle between any three binded atoms, and one dihedral between any four bonded atoms.

Comparison of MMFF and OPLS2003

Repeat the minimization and analysis with the OPLS2003 force field but this time choose Append new entries for Incorporate Output option when launching the calculation. This will keep the MMFF minimized structure as well as the new, OPLS2003 minimized structure, in the project database. You can toggle between the two structures using the Show Table command from the Project menu. Compile a table that lists the total energy of the minimized structure, and the three structural parameters for these two force fields. Comment on the meaning of the Total Energy in the context of these calculations.

Minimization and Analysis with MOLDEN

Try to build the same molecule with MOLDEN's Z-matrix editor. Make sure that you build the same conformer that you studied with MacroModel. If your molecule is too complex to be built with MOLDEN's Z-matrix editor, you may export it from Maestro and then import to MOLDEN. To do this:

  1. Open your project and select the structure that you want to export from the Project Table.
  2. Hit Export Structures from the Project menu
  3. Select XYZ for Format and give a file name; then hit Export.
  4. Hit Close to close the Export panel.
  5. Start MOLDEN by typing molden into a new UNIX shell.
  6. Hit Read and select the XYZ file written by Maestro.
  7. Hit Close to close the MOLDEN's Read panel

Molden allows minimization using an external minimizer. One such minimizer is provided by the TINKER Molecular Modeling Package. MOLDEN can minimize structures using TINKER's MM3, CHARMM, or AMBER force fields. To minimize a molecule in MOLDEN:

  1. Click on the FF icon in the Molden Control panel
  2. Select an appropriate force field, e.g. Tinker MM3
  3. Adjust total charge, if applicable
  4. Hit OPT button to open Tinker Preferences panel
  5. Select desired minimization method. Minimize with 0.01 RMS Gradient is suitable for preliminary minimization, followed by Newton with 0.001 RMS gradient
  6. Hit GO and then OK to start the minimization
  7. You may be able to observe structural changes visually as the minimization proceeds and you should see a notification when the structure has been minimized.

MOLDEN also provides convenient point-and-click tools for measurement of distances, angles and dihedrals. Append a column in your table that reports the MM3*-optimized values for the distance, angle, and dihedral that you studied previously. You can get the energy (labeled Final Function Value) for the minimized structure from the molin.log file.

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Tutorial by Dr. Kalju Kahn, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UC Santa Barbara. ©2006