Molecular Structures: RNA

Courses where nucleic acid structure and fuction, and protein synthesis are discussed may benefit from materials found here.


Images in this category illustrate various pseudoknot motifs found in ribosomes. An emphisis is made on the similarities between each set of motifs.

The Kissing-Loop

Images in this category illustrate the kissing-loop motif. Two seperate kissing-loop motifs are shown, and an emphisis is made on showing the similarities between each motif.

Packing Junction

Images in this category illustrate the structural characteristics of the "packing junction" motif. Emphasis is made on several sub-motifs found within the larger motif.

RNA Molecules

Images in this category illustrate various RNA molecules. Features of the molecules which show interesting structural characteristics of RNA will be shown.

Catalytic RNA Molecules

Images in this category concentrate on catalytic RNA moleucules, also known as ribozymes. Various ribozymes are shown which illustrate the difference in active sites between the various molecules.

This page was last updated Sept 19, 2011 by Kalju Kahn. Return to the main page.