Building a CheapStat

Supplementary files for CheapStat: an open-source, “do-it-yourself” potentiostat for analytical and educational applications
Aaron A Rowe, Andrew J Bonham, Ryan J White, Michael P Zimmer, Ramsin J Yadgar, Tony M Hobza, Jim W Honea, Ilan Ben-Yaacov, Kevin W Plaxco

CheapStat SensorCheapStat Layout

Download CheapStat firmware, schematics, and instructions

Explanation of Contents:
schematic/ contains the EagleCAD files for schematic and board layout, parts list, and Gerber files for PCB manufacturing.
gui/ contains the Java program for receiving results from the CheapStat device via USB. Source code is located inside .jar file.
mcu/ contains the firmware for the MCU as well as the source files. AVRstudio 4 and WinAVR are required for compiling source code, and well as AVRISP mkII or equivalent programmer for programming the MCU.

Copyright 2011